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Victoria School

"Working Together for Success"

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Victoria School

Working Together for Success


Assessment Information

Our Assessment and Data Systems

Victoria School is required to publish the end of year attainment for pupils within school. Teachers and class staff work together throughout the year to ensure that we have an accurate picture of pupil progress at every level.


Our assessment systems have been setup with the following guiding principles:

  1. Give reliable information to parents about how their child, and our school, is performing.

  2. Help drive improvement for students and teachers.

  3.  Make sure that we are keeping up with external best practice and innovation.


More information can be found within our Assessment, Target Setting and Reporting Policy


The Engagement Model at Victoria School

We follow the national model for assessing student progress below pre-key stage standards - the Engagement Model. 


This focuses on 5 key areas of learning - Exploration, Realisation, Initiation, Anticipation & Persistence. Each area focuses on the individual student and supports the staff to observe how the student learns and then to create meaningful learning opportunities from this. 


We have delivered family workshops on the Engagement Model and how this is used at Victoria School. You can find the powerpoint presentation and slides included below:

Engagement Model Training (pdf)

How do we assess learning?

  • The principle of assessment is to check and identify what a student understands and what they need to learn next.
  • We assess learning on a daily basis and lesson by lesson.
  • Progress is checked on a termly basis by the teacher and a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
  • Every student will receive a written report each year that outlines their progress, against the curriculum and accredited areas of learning.
  • Shared Goals are an important part of our assessments in school and they are written in partnership with families and other agencies and built on the outcomes identified in the Education, Health & Care Plan.
  • There are 2 Family and Teacher Meetings scheduled throughout the year to discuss  progress.


What systems do we use?

  • Victoria Early Years Outcomes

  • Victoria Engagement Model

  • Victoria Assessment Scales

  • Victoria Assessment Levels and National Curriculum Subjects

  • Victoria MSI Curriculum

  • Victoria Reading Assessment

  • Victoria Swimming Curriculum


What support is given to children in school?

Where any student is not making expected progress, we have many intervention options available to them.  We strive to develop bespoke intervention strategies to suit individuals. 

All intervention HLTAs and TAs work alongside the data manager and the PPG lead, to ensure individual intervention goals are set for the pupils they work with. These goals are shared with class teachers and parents and are regularly reviewed and updated as and when they are achieved.

All interventions and their impacts are recorded by class teachers and intervention workers.

Compare School Performance

You can find out more information about Victoria School's assessment on the DfE Compare School Performance website by clicking here
