Victoria School
"Working Together for Success"
Whenever possible we would like to encourage pupils to wear school uniform, however, this is not a requirement for your child to attend school. We understand that it can be challenging for families to find suitable uniform to meet the complex needs of your child and are supportive of this.
We do encourage all families to send in a spare bag of clothes when your child is in school. This will ensure that they can be changed throughout the day, if needed. The staff teams in classes are happy to support with this.
More information on the uniform that can be worn (and where to purchase) can be found in our policy below:
We strongly advise that you label everything that your child brings to school. It is much easier to reunite owners with their belongings if they are clearly labelled.
We have been approached by a number of families over the years and asked about suitable shoes and trainers to support students who wear AFOs and splints. It can be challenging to find shoes that accommodate the size of the splints, especially when specialist shoes have not been provided by the NHS physio teams.
A parent has shared the link below, to a pair of trainers that they have found to be helpful and well fitting. These are not a requirement of the Uniform Policy, but you may find it useful.
Billy Footwear - Shoes For Special Needs Children | SpecialKids.Company
We have no affiliation with the company and purchases are made at your own discretion.