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Victoria School

"Working Together for Success"

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Victoria School

Working Together for Success


Attendance/Absence Procedures

Attendance & Absence Procedures


At Victoria school, we recognise that regular and punctual school attendance is  essential – only pupils who attend school regularly can take full advantage of the  educational opportunities available to them.


Our aim is that every student should have the highest level of attendance  possible, given the complex level of health need or disability. 


Whilst we understand that there may be exceptional circumstances for a small  number of students who require complex care, we do expect all students to be in  school when they are well and able to attend. It is therefore, important that we  work together to look at ways to minimise absence and the impact it has on  achievement.


What is good attendance?

All students should strive towards achieving at least  95% attendance. Once attendance drops to 90% your child is classed by the  Department of Education as being ‘Persistently Absent’.

Attendance during one  school yearEquates to number of  days absentWhich is approximately  this many weeks absent
95%9 days2 weeks
90%19 days4 weeks
85%29 days6 weeks


38 days 8 weeks 



What we do:

As a school, have a duty of care, shared with the Local Authority, to challenge  poor attendance. We follow the statutory guidance Working together to improve  school attendance and the Support First framework and guidance introduced by  the Local Authority in September 2024. We would ask parents to ensure they are  aware of their own duty in ensuring their child receives the education they are  legally entitled to.


A student with attendance below 85% is of serious concern and may result in  parents/carers being invited into school to discuss strategies to overcome any  obstacles affecting regular attendance and punctuality.


Monitoring thresholds:


91% or above

Target for all pupils


Bordering persistent absentee letter to be sent  (Appendix 10) to draw parents/carers attention to their  child's falling attendance.


Attendance concern letter to be sent to parents alerting  them to their child’s low attendance, and offering  family support (Appendix 11) School will consider implementing an Attendance Improvement Plan.

Below 80%

Persistent absenteeism letter sent (Appendix 12) Parents will be invited in to discuss concerns and  develop an Attendance Improvement Plan.


In cases of ongoing concern, it may be necessary to make a referral to the  Education Legal Intervention Team. For further information regarding the legal  process please refer to the Support First frame work and guidance.


What parents can do:

Pupils should arrive at school between 08:50am – 09:30am.  

Morning registers open at 09:20am. Pupils arriving after 09:30am will be recorded  as ‘Late before registers close’ (code L), pupils arriving after 09:50am will be  recorded as ‘Late after registers close’ (code U). 


If your child is suffering from a minor ailment such as a cold or a cough please  consider sending them to school. If a child is not able to attend school for any reason, please ensure that you  inform the school by 9:30am. Please telephone the school office on 0121 476  9478 or email This should be done on each day  of absence. In cases of illness, details of any symptoms should also be provided.


Please note that family holidays in term time are not allowed in law and are very  unlikely to be authorised. Unauthorised holidays may result in a penalty notice  being issued.


If you are concerned about your child’s attendance or would like support and  advice please do not hesitate to contact a member of our Pastoral Team, who will  be more than happy to offer help and assistance.


Kate Thompson, Pastoral Manager


Clare Whitelaw, Attendance & Admissions Clerk
