Victoria School
"Working Together for Success"
Executive Headteacher's Welcome
Welcome from Gary Coffey, our Executive Headteacher
Welcome to our website, where you will find lots of useful information about Victoria School: the work we do, our rich and creative curriculum and the exciting opportunities we provide for our amazing students.
Victoria School is a community special school maintained by Birmingham City Council for students aged 2 to 19 years who have cognition and learning difficulties, in addition to physical disabilities and/or complex health care needs.
Many of our pupils have profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) and we also have a specialist Multi-Sensory Impairment Unit (MSI) for children who are deaf-blind.
We are part of a hard Federation with Cherry Oak School which gives us many opportunities for collaborative work and sharing of good practice. Cherry Oak is a community special primary school for children aged 4 to 11 years who have severe cognition and learning difficulties and/or speech, language and communication difficulties. It is located in Selly Oak.
Also associated with the Federation through a Memorandum of Understanding is Victoria College, an independent specialist provision for young adults aged 19 to 25 years who have PMLD.
We are very proud of all our young people and value every individual. We are fortunate to have a dedicated and skilled staff team, which includes teachers, teaching assistants, personal care assistants, lunchtime supervisors, administrative support staff, IT staff, site team and cleaners. The children are also supported by onsite NHS school nurses and physiotherapists. Transport to school for eligible pupils is provided by BCC Travel Assist and is mostly provided by National Express Accessible Transport (NEAT), who provide the drivers and vehicles. Guides are employed by Travel Assist. School catering is provided by CityServe.
We value our school community: children, their families and the multi-disciplinary teams who work collaboratively to support each child.
We are constantly striving to make further improvements. Everything we do is based on what is best for our students. Every child and young person really does matter at Victoria School and across our Federation.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please do contact us. We hope that this website and the associated App will support our home-school communications and ensue that everyone can easily access the information they need.
Gary Coffey
Executive Headteacher