Our Senior Leadership Team (SLT) consists of six people. Their key roles are outlined below:
- Gary Coffey – Executive Headteacher Federation of Cherry Oak School and Victoria School (together with Victoria College). Responsible for the strategic direction of the Federation.
- Lucy Guppy - Head of School. Responsible for the operational and day to day running of Victoria School, including supporting students, families and staff and leading on key school improvement priorities.
We also have three Assistant Headteachers as follows:
- Lauren Orchard - Teaching and Learning/CPD Secondary, Exams Officer
- Natalie Roberts - Teaching and Learning /CPD Primary, Literacy Lead
- Sarah Jobson – Pupil Progress and Assessment Manager. Pupil Premium Lead and Behaviour Support.
The Federation's Director of Support Services is also part of our Senior Leadership Team:
- Pauline McKenna - Manages all non-educational support functions
If you would like to talk to any of the Senior Leadership Team you can get in touch through the main school telephone number: 0121 476 9478.