Victoria School
"Working Together for Success"
Overview of Our Careers Programme
Outline of Our Careers Programme
Careers Education in Key Stage 3 with links to the Gatsby Benchmarks-
1. A stable careers programme- Careers and Enterprise is taught through integrated lessons, PSHE lessons and throughout the wider curriculum in KS3. The curriculum draws from the Careers Development Framework Handbook (Primary/Secondary) and Skills Builder Expanded Universal Framework and resources recommended by the Careers and Enterprise Company. The careers leader seeks feedback from all stakeholders to continuously improve our offer through consultation with present students and alumni, staff, parents/carers, employers, providers and our governors. Our careers education curriculum is backed by our senior leadership team and we have an appropriately trained careers leader in school. Additionally, our careers program is available on our website for students, parents, teachers and employers to access and understand. The careers leader reviews the effectiveness of the curriculum through termly review weeks which include lesson visits, sampling planning/students work and scrutinising summative data. Support or improvements are provided in response to curriculum review weeks.
2. Learning from career and labour market information- Careers learning in KS3 includes employability skills, interview skills, mindfulness/stress and resilience, exploring different jobs and sectors and financial planning. All families are provided with a ‘Next Steps Action Plan’ including career pathways and progression routes from our independent Careers advisor from year 9. Families and students are invited to attend our transition event with access to a range of providers from year 9.
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil- Our careers curriculum actively seeks to challenge stereotypical thinking and raise aspirations. All students in KS3 follow the same pathway. Outcomes are differentiated on a continuum between sensory and formal learners and are personalised for each student.
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers- All teachers link curriculum learning to careers. Please see KS3 section for careers in the curriculum details. In KS3 teachers explicitly highlight STEM careers at least one a year in each of the STEM subjects. This is included in the relevant STEM curriculum. All teachers highlight the importance of English and Maths and these are a priority on each class's timetable. Employability skills are developed throughout the curriculum.
5. Encounters with employers and employees- The KS3 curriculum includes structured encounters with employers/employees which are designed to enable students to learn from employers about work, employment and valuable skills. There is one such encounter a year embedded into the career’s curriculum. The school uses the ‘Making it Meaningful’ checklist and ensures all students and volunteers are briefed and debriefed effectively.
6. Experiences of workplaces- All students access yearly internal workplace experiences through their careers and enterprise lessons.
7. Encounters with further and higher education- Students and families are invited to attend our transition fair in year nine. At the fair we have visitors from academic and vocational routes including from schools, colleges, supported internships and the Local Offer.
8. Personal guidance. Students are fully involved in their ‘Education and Health Care Plan’ and planning for the future throughout KS3. They receive guidance from our independent careers advisor from year nine. The ‘Preparation for Adulthood’ Framework is used for EHCP planning from year nine.
Careers Education in 14-19 with links to the Gatsby Benchmarks-
1. A stable careers programme- Careers is taught to all through PSHE and throughout the wider curriculum. Additionally, students on the Voyage/Quest pathway benefit from a sequence of careers lessons each half term. Enterprise is taught through weekly integrated lessons for students on all pathways. Voyage/Quest students take options in KS5 and have weekly lessons which include Asdan Employability or ‘An introduction to Working in a Childcare Setting’. The curriculum draws from the Careers Development Framework Handbook (Primary/Secondary) and Skills Builder Expanded Universal Framework and resources recommended by the Careers and Enterprise Company. The careers leader seeks feedback from all stakeholders to continuously improve our offer through consultation with present students and alumni, staff, parents/carers, employers, providers and our governors. Our careers education curriculum is backed by our senior leadership team and we have an appropriately trained careers leader in school. Additionally, our careers program is available on our website for students, parents, teachers and employers to access and understand. The careers leader reviews the effectiveness of the curriculum through termly review weeks which include lesson visits, sampling planning/students work and scrutinising summative data. Support or improvements are provided in response to curriculum review weeks.
2. Learning from career and labour market information- Careers learning in 14-19 includes employability skills for students on all pathways. Students on Voyage/Quest pathways also learn about transition choices/qualifications and supported internships, application/CV writing and interview skills, skills/occupations/sectors and jobs, disability confident employers, using LMI to research if jobs are hot/cold in Birmingham, STEM careers, making informed decisions and financial planning. All families are provided with a yearly ‘Next Steps Action Plan’ including career pathways and progression routes from our independent Careers advisor. Families and students are invited to attend our transition event with access to a range of providers each year.
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil- Our careers curriculum actively seeks to challenge stereotypical thinking and raise aspirations. We invite inspirational careers speakers in for our Quest KS5 class. There are three pathways in 14-19 to tailor our support to the needs of the different groups of students. Students and their families have individual guidance from our independent careers advisor each year in the form of a ‘Next Steps Plan’. Individual barriers are discussed and plans are made to remove them through the EHCP process. Year 11 and 13 formal careers interviews inform our Voyage/Quest options planning.
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers- All teachers link curriculum learning to careers. Please see 14-19 for careers in the curriculum details. Weekly enterprise lessons were co-produced with our STEM, English and Careers subject managers. All teachers highlight the importance of English and Maths and these are a priority on each class's timetable. Employability skills are developed throughout the curriculum.
5. Encounters with employers and employees- We hold our annual ‘World of Work Day’ where all students meet a range of employers/employees to take part in enrichment activities. Students on our Voyage/Quest pathways also benefit from structured encounters with employers/employees which are designed to enable students to learn from employers about work, employment and valuable skills. There is one such encounter a year embedded into the career’s curriculum. The school uses the ‘Making it Meaningful’ checklist and ensures all students and volunteers are briefed and debriefed effectively.
6. Experiences of workplaces- All students access weekly internal workplace experiences through their enterprise lessons. Students on the Voyage/Quest pathway complete an internal or external (depending on needs) work experience placement in year 10 and 13. Students and workplaces are fully prepared and debriefed. The debrief is used to help us to improve our offer year on year. Work experience is based on the strengths and interests of each individual student.
7. Encounters with further and higher education- Students and families are invited to attend our annual transition fair. At the fair we have visitors from academic and vocational routes including from schools, colleges, supported internships and the Local Offer. Students are offered taster visits to possible next destinations in the two years leading up to their final year at Victoria (usually year 12 and 13). Where students are hoping to go to university in the future, visits are arranged.
8. Personal guidance- Students are fully involved in their ‘Education and Health Care Plan’ and planning for the future throughout 14-19. They receive guidance from our independent careers advisor every year. The ‘Preparation for Adulthood’ Framework is used for EHCP planning. Students receive more in-depth support through 1:1 visits or formal careers interviews in year 11 and 13 with our independent career’s advisor.
How well does the Careers Curriculum at Victoria School prepare our young people for their future? What do we do well? How could we improve?