Victoria School
"Working Together for Success"
Victoria School - Silver Award Holders
In November 2018 Victoria School was recognised as a being a Rights Aware school by UNICEF. We are very proud of our Silver Award: - It means the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is central and permeates all we do. - It means that our students understand their rights and their need to respect the rights of others. - It means that we are all committed to our pledge as a learning community:
Quotes from Victoria School’s Silver Accreditation Report
‘Pupils within the Steering Group clearly articulated that, “Since the signs about the Articles have been up rights have got better and better”. They spoke positively about how adults encourage their independence in a respectful way; “They teach you to do something and let you do it for yourself”.’
‘The Steering Group and other children spoke about how, “We are helping others…rights are for all children … we have an obligation to others”.’
The importance of the right to be safe and protected was clearly articulated by all the children spoken with. They commented that, “Staff keep us healthy and safe…we can talk to them and tell them things.” “If you are scared or unsure or happy or sad…you can speak to somebody…” The School Council explained that, “We do it (i.e. run the meetings) ourselves… but the adult who helps keeps us safe”.’
‘Children are using their voice in order to effect change within the school, e.g. there are now more lunchtime clubs and a choir. However, they also understand that using your voice does not mean that, “You just get what you want”.’
UNICEF RRSA Accreditation Report – Victoria School, November 2018
Issues to do with rights within the school are coordinated by our student steering group, ‘The Rainbow of Rights Group.’ They meet every half term and some of the work they have done so far includes:
• Highlighting and labelling where articles are being met around school
• Running a ShoeShare initiative which donated 196 pairs of shoes to help children around the world access their right to education
• Designing and helping create a Rights Respecting School display board
• The school having a 'right of the week' which is displayed on the monitor at the front of school
• The new school newsletter having an article related to the 'right of the week