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Victoria School

"Working Together for Success"

School Logo

Victoria School

Working Together for Success


COVID update (and Christmas decorations!)

We have had 2 further staff test positive to COVID today, bringing the total to 9 staff and 2 pupils, all within the MSI Department and LJA/LOR Bubble in 14-19. Several staff and pupils are awaiting test results. Public Health advice continues to be that no further action is needed beyond closing the affected Bubbles for the isolation period and deep cleaning the areas they have used at school.


On a lighter note, we feel that we all need some Christmas cheer to brighten up this worrying time so the Christmas tree will be going up in the Hall on Monday and the "Tele-Shopping Quality Victoria Christmas Market will be going ahead". The  children will still enjoy Christmas Dinner and the Play and Pantomime will be shown by Zoom. 


If you are looking for something crafty to do with your children at home, additional red and gold home-made decorations would be welcomed for the tree.


Stay safe and well.
