Victoria School
"Working Together for Success"
At 8pm this evening: 4 January 2021, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson announced that from tomorrow, all schools should move to remote education for all pupils except children whose parents are keyworkers and the most vulnerable. This announcement has come so late in the day that many parents will be unable to change their childcare plans for tomorrow.
However, can all parents who possibly can, please keep your children at home. If this is not possible, you can send them to school where they will be supervised.
Tomorrow, school staff will phone all Parents and Carers to ask you about your status as keyworkers and questions to help assess the child’s vulnerability. On this basis, we will offer places to those children who most need them. Depending on demand, we may have to offer some part-time places.
From Wednesday, only those children who have been offered a specific place to attend, should come to school. Your child’s teacher will be in touch to provide information about how to access remote education. This arrangement will stay in place until further notice.
These changes are not made lightly, but in line with government instructions aimed at reducing the risk of the transmission of Coronavirus.