Victoria School
"Working Together for Success"
The latest COVID guidance, applicable from 17 May 2021, has now been issued.
Given the increased vulnerability of learners at Victoria School and the fact that 2 asymptomatic cases have been identified among our younger pupils in the last 3 weeks, I am proposing to maintain our current COVID Risk Assessment strategies until the May half term. They will be reviewed in time for the return to school after the May half term.
This means that even though the Government guidance has been relaxed, staff should continue to:
Maintain 2 metre social distancing wherever possible
Wear face coverings (unless exempt) when social distancing cannot be maintained indoors eg: when moving about the public areas of the school.
Wear PPE (face mask, ,gloves, aprons) for all intimate care which requires close contact with pupils, eg: toileting, feeding
Conduct and record at-home rapid result, asymptomatic (lateral flow) testing twice per week
Wash hands frequently and use hand sanitiser
Observe respiratory hygiene - catch it - bin it - kill it
Keep all indoor spaces well ventilated
Clean surfaces frequently with S20 disinfectant
Ensure children do not share resources or that they are cleaned between uses
Clean the Softplay room after use.
Keep classroom areas free of clutter to enable effective cleaning
Keep soft toys and materials that cannot be laundered, out of the classroom
Attend all large gatherings virtually eg: Staff Briefing, Assemblies, etc
Minimise unnecessary movement around the school
Provide remote education to those pupils who are staying at home on the advice of Public Health England
Self isolate at home if they or a household member have COVID symptoms or have tested positive to COVID.
Self isolate if they are a close contact of someone who has tested positive to COVID.
The enhanced cleaning schedule will remain in place until the end of the school year.
Pupils aged 11 years and over MUST still war a face covering while travelling in dedicated school transport. If they wish to continue to wear a face covering at school, this will be encouraged but not mandated.
At this point I am only asking you to continue with the current COVID risk assessment strategies for a further 2 weeks beyond the 17th may relaxation of Lockdown Guidance.
Hopefully we can relax things further after the May half-term.