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Victoria School

"Working Together for Success"

School Logo

Victoria School

Working Together for Success


Tighter Coronavirus restrictions in Birmingham

You will be aware that the rate of Coronavirus infection is increasing in Birmingham and as a result, tighter restrictions are coming into force. What does this mean for your child?

Victoria School remains open for all pupils except those who require regular Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs) such as suctioning*, nebulising and ventilation. (*Those who require only oral (mouth) suctioning can return from Monday.)

Students in year 7 and above (Key Stages 3,4 and 5) should bring a face covering to wear at school when in communal areas outside of lesson times. There may be some children who can't wear a face covering because of respiratory or behavioural issues. No-one will be prevented from attending school if they do not wear a face covering, but we do encourage everyone who can, to wear one.


If your child has a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a change to their senses of taste or smell, DO NOT SEND THEM TO SCHOOL. Stay at home and ring 119 or go to to arrange a test. They must isolate for 10 days or until their test result comes back negative. Other household members must isolate for 14 days. 

If your household is isolating, you cannot come out to drive your child to school.


If your child develops symptoms at school, they will be kept in isolation and you need to collect them immediately and arrange for them to have a Coronavirus test.


Please assist us to stop the spread of the virus by limiting to one, the number of adults accompanying a child to school. Please maintain social distancing from other parents, staff and children when you are dropping off / picking up your child.All school visits are strictly by appointment.

Remember that frequent, rigorous handwashing for at least 20 seconds with soap and water is the best way to control the virus.



HANDS - wash your hands

FACE - cover your face

SPACE - leave enough space between yourself and others

