Victoria School
"Working Together for Success"
I am sorry to advise that guidance has changed since my last post 10 days ago. The NHS has determined that they are not able to issue a "COVID-Secure Certificate" for children who require Aerosol-Generating Procedures (AGPs) such as ventilation, suctioning and nebulising) to return to school. Unfortunately that means that at this time, those children are unable to return. Your child's class teacher will be in contact with you to discuss ways that your child can still participate in their education. When the COVID-Secure Certificate is issued, the children will be able to return. (This applies to all Special Schools in Birmingham, not just Victoria.)
The updated risk assessment and letter to parents have been uploaded on the website under: Key Information / September 2020 Returning to School.
There has also been some confusing messages about the attendance of children in secondary schools and the wearing of masks by thos children. Secondary aged pupils at Victoria (except those requiring AGPs), can attend full-time from 3 September 2020. There is NO rota system in place. They are NOT required to wear masks at school. These strategies apply only to those areas where the COVID risk is rising. This is NOT the case in Northfield.
As with everything related to Coronavirus, guidance on these matters is constantly being updated. We will keep you informed of any changes, as promptly as possible, vis the website.