Victoria School
"Working Together for Success"
Thank you to all parents and carers who responded to phone calls from class teachers earlier this week. For the vast majority of pupils, parents are able to follow the government advice that says the safest place for children to be is at home and that is where they should stay. For a small number of our pupils though (<10%), it is safer for them to be at school or their parent/s are keyworkers and need for their child to be cared for to enable them to go to work.
For those parents who have had a phone call from Pastoral Care Lead, Di Tate, confirming they have a place at school next week, please remember to send in:
Any medications that must be administered during the day, asthma inhalers, nappies/pads, thickener (if used) and anything else that your child will need throughout the day.
The school day is 9am to 3pm.
There will be no nurses or enteral feeders present.
The curriculum will not be delivered. This programme provides safe care for your child.
Your child may be with different peers and staff, and may be in a different classroom to usual.
The Snoezelen Room, soft play and hydrotherapy pool will not be in use.
We will try as far as possible to maintain social distancing but this will not be possible during personal care, feeding and positioning.
Staff will be wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) during these activities where social distancing cannot be achieved. We have supplies of disposable gloves and aprons, S1 disinfectant spray and sanitising hand gel. We have ordered face masks which should arrive on Wednesday 29/4/2020.
Your child will have his/her temperature taken at school using a non-contact thermometer. (The thermometer)should arive on Wednesday 29/4/2020)
Children with symptoms of COVID-19 must not attend.
Children who have had a letter from the government saying that they are in the extremely vulnerable category and should stay at home for 12 weeks must not attend.
Pupils living in a household where someone else has COVID-19 symptoms must remain at home for at least 14 days.
Lunch will be provided as normal.