Victoria School
"Working Together for Success"
First of all, a big thank you to all parents who have been keeping their children safe at home to protect them and to limit the spread of Coronavirus in the community.
On Monday and Tuesday, you will receive a call from your child's teacher to ask you about 3 things:
1. Home Learning - is the amount of work just right / too much / too little? Are you able to access the learning resources on our website?
2. Have you downloaded the website App yet? If not, please do so as this will help you to keep up to date with all new information posted on the website.
3. Does your child need yo return to school because they are vulnerable and therefore safer at school than at home or because their parent/s are keyworkers essential to the Coronavirus response and therefore unable to care for them safely at home.
We are able to re-open the school from 27 April 2020, to a small number of pupils if they are vulnerable and would be safer at school than at home or if the parents are keyworkers critical to the Coronavirus response and cannot arrange alternative care at home.
Please remember that government advice is still that if the child can be safely cared for at home, then this is where they should stay.
Children with any symptoms of COVID-19 must stay at home for at least 7 days and while symptoms persist.
Children living in a household where anyone else has symptoms must stay at home for at least 14 days.
Children who have received a letter from the government identifying them as clinically vulnerable because of underlying health conditions must remain at home for 12 weeks.
Because of the personal care and positioning needs of children at Victoria, it will not be possible to achieve "social distancing" of 2 metres.
The school nurses have currently been deployed to other NHS roles. We do not know whether there will be any school nurses or enteral feeders available.
Please make sure you take the call from your child's teacher when they ring so we can gain a clear picture of the level of need for Victoria School pupils to return to school.
If at any other time, you feel your circumstances have changed and your child needs to return to school, please leave a message on the school voicemail 0121 476 9478 or email