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Victoria School

"Working Together for Success"

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Victoria School

Working Together for Success


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  • Letter to parents from Dr Justin Varney, Director of Public Health - Birmingham

    Mon 09 Nov 2020 Justin Varney

    06th November 2020

    Dear parent/carer

    I hope this finds you well and you and your family are keeping safe in these restricted times. As children return to school after the half term break it is important to remember the threat posed by the pandemic and that we must all remain vigilant. Rates of infection are still increasing and the government has now implemented further restrictions across England. Although schools will remain open it is vital that we all stick to the rules and be aware of our surroundings when we do leave the house – such as when taking children to school. Staff have worked really hard to make schools Covid-safe, ensuring no overcrowding during breaktimes but that children can socialise within their bubbles. This has resulted in little evidence of transmission of the virus within classrooms. However, while the school building itself maybe safe, it is also important for parents and carers to keep their distance while dropping off and collecting children. Schools have made arrangements so that there are not too many people outside the school gates, such as staggered arrival and collection times and only one adult accompanying children. I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to stick to these rules. Please help school and staff by maintaining distance from other parents and leaving the area as soon as you have dropped off or collected your child. It is also important to avoid car sharing on the school run. Walk if you can, but if you need to drive, don’t share with others as the virus can easily be passed within that confined space. If you have any concerns speak to your head teacher. We will get through this, but we must all think of each other and work together.

    Yours sincerely,

    Dr Justin Varney Director of Public Health

  • National Lockdown - Guidance for Schools

    Wed 04 Nov 2020 Julie Fardell

    The Government has released guidance about the impact on nurseries, schools and colleges, of the new  national lockdown to commence in England at 12.01am tomorrow Thursday 5 November 2020.


    The guidance can be found at:


    Nurseries, schools and colleges are to remain open to all pupils and students. Children and young people over 11 years of age are recommended to wear a face covering to and from school  and in public areas indoors at school. However, many children with SEN are exempt.


    Some pupils and students who are still deemed to be clinically extremely vulnerable are recommended to stay at home during the lockdown. This is guidance, not mandatory. All other pupils and students including those who are clinically vulnerable and those who live in a household with clinically extremely vulnerable people should still attend school.


    If you are planning to keep your child at home, please inform the child's teacher or the school office. Remote learning opportunities will be provided in this instance. If your child is remaining at home during lockdown, a member of class staff will be in touch with you weekly to check that the child is safe and well.


    Please remember that children must not attend school if:

    They have COVID symptoms

    They have tested positive to COVID

    They live in a household where another member has COVID symptoms or a positive COVID test

    You have been told by NHS Test and Trace to isolate


    In each of these situations except the last, all household members must self isolate. Please check the isolation requirements on the Gov.Uk Coronavirus web page.



    Wash hands frequently with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds

    Observe good respiratory hygiene - Catch it - Bin it - Kill it

    Wear a face covering

    Stay 2 metres apart from other people who do not live in your household.

    Obey the guidance and laws on the national lockdown


  • National Lockdown from 5/11/2020

    Mon 02 Nov 2020 Julie Fardell

    With the Prime Minister announcing a new National Lockdown from this Thursday, we encourage all families to check the internet and media for information on what activities are allowed and those that are not. The lockdown will go for 4 weeks until 2 December 2020. 


    SCHOOLS and COLLEGES ARE TO STAY OPEN AS USUAL. Therefore your child can attend school as normal*. However, for those of you whose children are considered to be extremely clinically vulnerable, you should seek advice from their GP or Consultant. This lockdown does NOT require people who were previously shielding to remain at home. However, they are advised to take additional precautions.


    Remember: HANDS - FACE - SPACE!


    *We are still awaiting installation of the Pods for conducting AGPs (Aerosol Generating Procedures) such as regular suctioning. We will advise the 12 families involved when they are in place, enabling your children to return to school.


    In particular, we do remind all parents and carers to maintain a social distance of 2 metres from each other and from pupils and staff when you arrive at school to bring or collect your child from school. Also, please wear a face covering when entering the building.


    The Government has not continued the Free School Meals voucher system since the Summer holidays. However, Birmingham City Council has announced that it will do so, retrospectively, for the October half term break. We have not yet received any details from BCC but will pass on all information as it comes to hand.

  • Fireworks Safety

    Mon 02 Nov 2020 Julie Fardell

    Fire Work Safety - Helping Families to Make Safer Choices

    The cancellation of organised firework displays for bonfire night and Diwali in 2020 may mean that more parents do their own display at home.  It is predicted that 500 children and their families will join the growing number of people who will remember bonfire night for the wrong reasons. They will have been injured as a result of an accident with fireworks.


    We need to do all we can to highlight the risk to the families we work with. Did you know there are 4 categories of fireworks? They are:

    • Category One: Indoor Fireworks
    • Category Two: Are suitable for back gardens
    • Category Three: fireworks which require a minimum safety distance of 25 meters, which is far bigger than the average family back garden. they are designed for large displays and should not be used in back gardens.
    • Category Four: are meant for professional use only.


    You should only buy from reputable retailers and avoid pop-up shops; Only buy fireworks marked with safety standards (EN 15947 or BS 7114); and to follow the guidance on the following websites:

    •  Firework safety from the office for product safety and standards.
    •   for a Firework code including sparkler safety and bonfire safety.
    • for more information and guidance click here.
    • The Children’s burns trust also has statistics on accidents as well as good advice to share with parents.
  • Thank You from B30 Foodbank

    Mon 02 Nov 2020 Andrew

    Dear All at Victoria School


    Thank you so much for your recent amazing donation of 257.3 kg of food to the B30 Foodbank. As you probably know we are a completely voluntary organisation, supported by the Trussell Trust.  We rely solely on donations from generous supporters and organisations such as yourselves to provide for people, including families, within our local community who, for whatever reason, find themselves in immediate crisis, and are therefore going without. Your gift will be used to help give our families in crisis enough food to make three meals a day per person for three days.

    This year has been a particularly difficult one for us and, as you will not be surprised to hear, the numberof local families needing our help has been steadily rising as the financial impact of the Covid 19 restrictions kicks in.

    Between March 27th and  October 23rd our volunteers worked alongside Birmingham City Council , The Active Well Being Society and Bournville Village Trust to put in place a system of emergency food deliveries to those local families who had been referred to us. From 23rd October, however, we have been able to resume face to face distribution of food parcels (with appropriate Covid 19 safety precautions) at Cotteridge Quaker/Friends Meeting House on Watford Road.


    We would like to reiterate how important your donation will be in helping us to make a significant difference to individuals and  families who would otherwise go  hungry  and on their behalf we  thank you wholeheartedly once again for your support. As a token of our thanks I am attaching a Certificate of Appreciation, which I hope you will be able to print out and display somewhere where your students can see it.

    Kind regards,

    Christine Kearns

    (On behalf of the B30 Foodbank Volunteer Team)
